IEEE Products
The IEEE Electronic Library is brought to you via the IEEE Xplore digital library and contains almost one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
IEL includes:
- IEEE Journals
- IEEE Conference proceedings
- IEEE Standards
- Access to Complete backfile to 1988.
The complete IEEE Journals Archive spans a century of scientific research with approximately 410,000 articles from thousands of authors.
- Over 200 IEEE archival journal titles
- Approximately 410,000 articles
- From 1884 to 1999
- Works from pioneering IEEE authors and from IEEE predecessor organizations, the AIEE and the IRE
Organisations can gain perpetual access to leading technology content from over 483,000 IEEE conference papers across more than 860 conference series.
- Over 483,000 IEEE conference papers
- More than 860 conference series
- Nearly 3,800 seminal IEEE conference proceedings
- Content dating from 1936 to 1999
IEEE has partnered with the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers® (SMPTE®) to bring more than a century of groundbreaking standards and peer-reviewed articles in the field of motion imaging to the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Similar to most gold open access publications, IEEE open access articles are supported by article processing charges (APCs), rather than through subscriptions. APCs may be paid by the author, the author’s institution, or a funding agency.
IEEE Standards Select, brought to you via the IEEE Xplore digital library, gives subscribers affordable access to the most essential information in technology today. Subscribers are able to search and download any IEEE Standards document.
Please note: this subscription option is only available to corporations and not available to academic institutions.
IEEE eBook Collections’
IEEE has partnered with Now Publishers to bring the Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Collection to the IEEE Xplore digital library. This collection of high-quality eBooks provides a quick, trustworthy introduction to emerging topics in engineering and computer science.
The MIT Press eBooks Library, a partnership between IEEE and the MIT Press, offers online access to approximately 860 titles in the fields of computer science and engineering technologies, including artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering.
Artech House eBooks Library focuses on today’s cutting-edge technology in antennas, RF/microwave design, communications, computer security, signal processing, and much more. With approximately 770 titles dating back to 1999, subscribers can explore topics critical to the industry and take advantage of the latest information, written by the world’s leading authorities.
The River Publishers eBooks Library, a partnership between IEEE and River Publishers, offers online access to approximately 370 titles in a wide range of engineering areas such as automation, control and robotics, biomedical engineering, circuits and systems, energy management, optics and photonics, information science, polymer science, security and digital forensics, and transport technology.
A specially-curated collection of eBooks to the IEEE Xplore digital library. This new collection brings together Princeton University Press’ scientific and technical content for libraries, drawing from some of the world’s leading scholars as well as several Nobel Prize award winners. Topics cover a wide range of technology areas including computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, physics and astronomy.
With approximately 340 titles dating back to 1990, this eBook collection provides essential information about topics in transport technologies, including automotive, aerospace, and commercial vehicles. Authored by leading experts in the field, titles include the latest and most respected research in the industry and are available for download in chapter format.
The IEEE-Wiley Telecommunications eBooks Library, a partnership between IEEE and Wiley & Sons, Inc., helps readers stay informed about the ever-evolving field of telecommunications. With approximately 425 titles dating back to 2007, this collection provides essential information on telecommunications and related fields with concentrated content applicable for students, researchers, and practising engineers.
The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library — a partnership between IEEE and Wiley & Sons, Inc.—spans numerous technology areas, including bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies, among other growing areas of research.

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